1 #ifndef MILXQTRegistrationAdvancedOptions_H 2 #define MILXQTRegistrationAdvancedOptions_H 4 #include "milxQtRegistrationParams.h" 5 #include "ui_registrationAdvancedOptions.h" 6 #include "milxQtMain.h" 60 void reset(RegType algo);
80 void browseBtnClicked();
86 void clearFileBtnClicked();
95 Ui::dlgRegistrationAdvancedOptions
99 #endif // MILXQTRegistrationAdvancedOptions_H Ui::dlgRegistrationAdvancedOptions ui
User interface.
milxQtRegistrationAdvancedOptions(QDialog *theParent=0)
The standard constructor.
milxQtRegistrationParams getParamsAladinNifti()
Get the advanced parameter of a Nifti Aladin registration.
void reject()
Click on button Cancel.
void reset(RegType algo)
Reset the advanced form to the algorithm in parameter.
This class is the advanced options form for the registration.
void accept()
Click on button Ok.
milxQtRegistrationParams getParamsElastixAffine()
Get the advanced parameters of an Elastix Affine registration.
milxQtRegistrationParams getParamsElastixBSpline()
Get the advanced parameters of an Elastix BSpline registration.
void createConnections()
Create connections with UI.
milxQtRegistrationParams getParamsF3DNifti()
Get the advanced parameter of a Nifti F3D registration.
RegType currentAlgo
Current algo.