18 #ifndef milxQtDIFFUSIONTENSORMODEL_H 19 #define milxQtDIFFUSIONTENSORMODEL_H 21 #include "milxQtModel.h" 31 static double computeAmplitude(std::vector<double> SH,
double x,
double y,
double z,
int lmax);
32 static int NforL (
int lmax) {
return ((lmax+1)*(lmax+2)/2); }
33 static int LforN (
int N) {
return (2*(((
int) (sqrt((
float) (1+8*N)))-3)/4)); }
34 static int index (
int l,
int m) {
return (l*(l+1)/2 + m); }
37 void colourByDirection();
38 void harmonics(QString ordersString =
51 #endif // milxQtDIFFUSIONTENSORMODEL_H QAction * colourDirectionAct
colour by direction axes action
void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event)
The context menu setup member.
void createActions()
Create the actions for context menu etc.
void createConnections()
Create the connections for context menu etc.
This class represents the MILX Qt Model/Mesh Display object using VTK.
QAction * harmonicsAct
Display spherical harmonic.
Define Windows Plugin DLL importing.