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Public Slots | |
void | diffusionGlyphs (size_t subsampleFactor=0, size_t resolution=16) |
void | diffusionGlyphs2 (size_t subsampleFactor=0, size_t resolution=16) |
![]() | |
void | userEvent (QMouseEvent *event=NULL) |
void | userEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
void | userEvent (QWheelEvent *event) |
virtual void | updateCoords (vtkObject *obj) |
Picks the coordinates and pixel value from the current mouse position in the window. More... | |
void | updateSlice (vtkObject *obj) |
Updates the display of the slice in the window. | |
void | updateTrackedView (vtkObject *obj) |
Updates the display of the slice in the window according to view tracking. More... | |
virtual void | contour () |
Draw contour interactively on images. More... | |
void | autoLevel (float percentile=0.99) |
Auto window level the display. Uses Otsu threshold value. | |
void | setLevel (int level) |
Set window level the display to proportion of maxValue. | |
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors * | GetWindowLevel () |
Returns the internal image window levels data used for display. | |
double | GetIntensityWindow () |
Get the window for the image intensity tranfer function. | |
void | SetIntensityWindow (double window) |
Set the window for the image intensity tranfer function. | |
double | GetIntensityLevel () |
Get the level for the image intensity tranfer function. | |
void | SetIntensityLevel (double level) |
Set the level for the image intensity tranfer function. | |
void | blend (QString filename="", float opacity=-1.0) |
Display a blend of the current image with another image. | |
void | blend (milxQtImage *imageToMatch, float opacity=-1.0) |
Display a blend of the current image with another image. Image window can be directly passed into this member. | |
void | volumeRendering () |
Display current image as volume rendering. More... | |
void | imageInformation () |
Displays the origin and other important information about the image (not the displayed image, but internal image used for computation) | |
void | rescale () |
Rescaled the intensities of an image to specified new max and min values. | |
void | relabel () |
Relabel the objects of a labelled image based on connectivity in consecutive order. | |
void | histogramEqualisation () |
Rescale the intensities of an image based on histogram equalisation. | |
void | gradientMagnitude () |
Computes the gradient magnitude of the image and displays it. | |
void | sobelEdges () |
Computes the Sobel edge detection of the image and displays it. | |
void | cannyEdges () |
Computes the Canny edge detection of the image and displays it. | |
void | laplacian () |
Computes the Laplacian of the image and displays it. | |
void | normalize () |
Computes the normalization of the image and displays it. | |
void | invertIntensity () |
Computes the inverse intensities of the image and displays it. | |
void | matchInfo (milxQtImage *imageToMatch) |
Matches the info of another image to the current image. See generateMatchedInformation() for more info. | |
void | matchInfo (QString filename="") |
Matches the info of another image to the current image. See generateMatchedInformation() for more info. | |
void | matchHistogram (milxQtImage *imageToMatch) |
Matches the histogram of another image to the current image. See generateMatchedHistogram() for more info. | |
void | matchHistogram (QString filename="") |
Matches the histogram of another image to the current image. See generateMatchedHistogram() for more info. | |
void | resample (QString filename="") |
Resamples current image to another image. | |
void | mask (QString filename="") |
Masks current image with another image. More... | |
void | subsample (size_t xSampleFactor=0, size_t ySampleFactor=0, size_t zSampleFactor=0) |
Downsamples current image by factors given. | |
void | crop (QString filename="") |
Masks and crops the current image with another image. More... | |
void | resampleLabel (QString filename="") |
Resamples current image as a labelled image (toavoid interpolation artefacts) to another image. | |
void | transform (QString filename="", QString refImgFilename="", bool inverse=false) |
Transforms current image given ITK transform file. More... | |
void | checkerBoard (QString filename="", int numberOfSquares=0) |
Tiles another image with the current image using alternating squares for comparison. See generateCheckerBoard() for more info. | |
void | checkerBoard (milxQtImage *img, int numberOfSquares=0) |
Tiles another image with the current image using alternating squares for comparison. See generateCheckerBoard() for more info. More... | |
void | distanceMap (bool signedDistance=true, bool inside=false) |
Computes the distance map of the image and displays it. More... | |
void | thresholdAbove (float value=0, float level=0) |
Threshold the image for all values above a given value. | |
void | thresholdBelow (float value=0, float level=0) |
Threshold the image for all values below a given value. | |
void | threshold (float value=0, float blevel=0, float alevel=0) |
Threshold the image for all values between a band to a given value. | |
void | binaryThreshold (float value=0, float blevel=0, float alevel=0) |
Binary Threshold the image for all values between a band to a given value. | |
void | otsu (int bins=0) |
Otsu Threshold the image for all values between a band to a given level. | |
void | otsuMultiple (int bins=0, int labels=0) |
Otsu Multiple Threshold the image for all values between a band to a given level. | |
void | flip (bool xAxis=false, bool yAxis=false, bool zAxis=false, bool aboutOrigin=true) |
Flips the image and displays it. If all the arguments are false, then axes will be asked for using GUI. | |
void | surface (const float value=numeric_limits< float >::max()) |
Converts the image to a surface using the Marching Cubes algorithm. Ideally suited for binary images. More... | |
void | polyData () |
Converts the image to polygonal data. Ideally suited for any type of image. More... | |
void | magnitude () |
Shows the vector image as a scalar image given by the magnitude of the vectors. | |
void | component (int index=-1) |
Shows the vector image as a scalar image given component index. | |
void | pseudoImage () |
Converts the vector image to a pseudo-image, where each vector component is 'coloured'. More... | |
void | vectorField (int subsampleFactor=0, float scaling=0.0) |
Converts the vector image to a vector field. More... | |
void | streamLines () |
Converts the vector image to a series of stream lines which all start at the current slice being viewed. More... | |
void | anisotropicDiffusion () |
Computes the anisotropic diffusion (smoothing) of the image and displays it. | |
void | gaussianSmooth () |
Computes the Gaussian smoothing of the image and displays it. | |
void | bilateral () |
Computes the Bilateral smoothing of the image and displays it. | |
void | median () |
Computes the median image and displays it. | |
void | zeros (const unsigned long xSize, const unsigned long ySize, const unsigned long zSize, milxQtImage *refImage=NULL) |
Creates image of zeros of size given. | |
void | resize (double outputSpacing=0.0) |
Resizes image to spacing given. Currently only does isotropic. More... | |
void | resize (const unsigned long xSize, const unsigned long ySize, const unsigned long zSize, milxQtImage *refImage=NULL) |
Resizes image to size given by reference image. | |
void | add (milxQtImage *img) |
Adds img to current image. | |
void | add (QString filename="") |
Adds img to current image. | |
void | subtract (milxQtImage *img) |
Subtracts img from current image. | |
void | subtract (QString filename="") |
Subtracts img from current image. | |
void | multiply (milxQtImage *img) |
Multiplies img to current image. | |
void | multiply (QString filename="") |
Multiplies img to current image. | |
void | scale (float scaling) |
scales the intensities of current images. | |
void | convolve (milxQtImage *img) |
Convolves img to current image. | |
void | highpass () |
Applies Butterworth high pass filter to image. More... | |
void | interpolateDisplay (const bool quietly=false) |
Toggles interpolation. More... | |
void | disableInterpolateDisplay () |
void | enableInterpolateDisplay () |
void | applyOrientDisplay (const bool quietly=false) |
Toggles applying the orientation matrix of the image. More... | |
void | disableApplyOrientDisplay () |
void | enableApplyOrientDisplay () |
void | setDefaultOrientation (int orientMode) |
Change orientation mode to one of the supported standards. Default: Radiological. More... | |
virtual void | enableScale (QString title="", const bool quiet=false, double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0, int noOfLabels=3) |
Enable scale bar display with the title provided. More... | |
virtual void | scaleDisplay (const bool forceDisplay=false) |
Toggles the scale bar display. More... | |
virtual void | showCrosshair (const bool quietly=false) |
Show the cursor/crosshair for marking depending on action. Image must be generated before calling. | |
virtual void | enableCrosshair () |
Enables the cursor/crosshair for marking. Image must be generated before calling. | |
virtual void | disableCrosshair () |
removes the cursor/crosshair. | |
virtual void | enableCrosshairPointer () |
Enables the mouse pointer as a crosshair instead. Scene must be rendered before calling. | |
virtual void | disableCrosshairPointer () |
Restores the mouse pointer to default. | |
void | setView (int viewMode) |
Change view to view mode identified by number. 0-axial, 1-coronal, 2-sagittal. | |
virtual void | viewToXYPlane () |
Change view to xy-plane. | |
virtual void | viewToZXPlane () |
Change view to zx-plane. | |
virtual void | viewToZYPlane () |
Change view to zy-plane. | |
void | setCrosshairPosition (double *position) |
Set the position of the Crosshair. | |
double * | getCrosshairPosition () |
Get the position of the Crosshair. | |
virtual void | updateLookupTable () |
Sets the necessary LUTs to model view. | |
void | histogram (int bins=256, float belowValue=0, float aboveValue=255, bool plotHistogram=true) |
Computes the histogram of the image and prints info found. More... | |
void | surfacePlot () |
Surface plot of slice. | |
void | setSlice (int slice) |
Sets the slice of the volume to slice value given. More... | |
int | getSlice () |
Gets the current slice of the volume. | |
double | getIntensityWindow () |
Get or set the window/level for the image intensity tranfert function. | |
double | getIntensityLevel () |
Get or set the window/level for the image intensity tranfert function. | |
void | setIntensityWindow (double window) |
Get or set the window/level for the image intensity tranfert function. | |
void | setIntensityLevel (double level) |
Get or set the window/level for the image intensity tranfert function. | |
void | refresh () |
Refresh display. | |
void | reset () |
Update data internally and refresh display. | |
virtual void | createMenu (QMenu *menu) |
Create the menu for the data in this object. Used for context menu and file menus. | |
void | generateImage (const bool quietly=false) |
Assigns the array data to the image and setups up the viewer. More... | |
void | generateVoxelisedSurface (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > surfaceToVoxelise, double *bounds=NULL, double *spacing=NULL) |
Converts or Voxelises a surface (vtkPolyData) to an image. | |
virtual void | customOperation () |
Custom operation, data dependent for viewing in unified environment. More... | |
void | updateModelActor (vtkObject *obj, unsigned long, void *client_data, void *, vtkCommand *command) |
void | updateDisplay (QPointer< milxQtImage > img) |
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void | addModelActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > mdlActor) |
Directly add model actor to generic view. More... | |
void | removeModelActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > mdlActor) |
Directly remove model actor from generic view. More... | |
void | addActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor > imgActor, vtkMatrix4x4 *transformMatrix=NULL) |
Directly add actor to generic view with transform matrix. More... | |
void | addImageActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > imgActor, vtkMatrix4x4 *transformMatrix=NULL) |
Directly add image actor to generic view. More... | |
void | removeImageActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > imgActor) |
Directly remove image actor from generic view. More... | |
void | importFrom (milxQtRenderWindow *windowToImportFrom) |
Import actors/scene directly from another renderwindow. More... | |
void | importViewFrom (milxQtRenderWindow *windowToImportFrom) |
Same as importFrom() | |
virtual void | updateTextActor (vtkObject *obj, unsigned long, void *client_data, void *, vtkCommand *command) |
Update any text actors in display to current slice. | |
virtual void | updateImageActor (vtkObject *obj, unsigned long, void *client_data, void *, vtkCommand *command) |
Update any image actors in display to current slice when slice number changes. | |
virtual void | updateImageActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor > actor) |
void | userEvent (QMouseEvent *event=NULL) |
void | userEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
void | userEvent (QWheelEvent *event) |
void | refresh () |
Refresh the display of the model including widgets. Camera remains as is. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > | getTransformMatrix () |
Internal transform matrix used to transform actors appropriately for direction and coordinate systems. | |
void | reset () |
Reset the rendering, camera and windowing. | |
bool | isLoaded () |
Is the data successfully loaded? Use this to check if all is ok with data display. | |
void | linkProgressEventOf (vtkObject *obj) |
Link the progress of filters etc to keep the UI responsive. | |
virtual void | updateCoords (vtkObject *obj) |
Picks the coordinates and pixel value from the current mouse position in the window. More... | |
virtual void | contour () |
Draw contour interactively. | |
void | contourAsPolyData () |
Save contour as polydata/model. This saves all intermediate points, not just what the user places. | |
void | contourAsNodePolyData () |
Save contour as polydata/model. This only saves the points the user has placed. | |
void | contourInitFromPolyData (QString filename="") |
Load contour from polydata/model. More... | |
void | enableAxes (float xScale=1.0, float yScale=1.0, float zScale=1.0) |
Enable axes display with each arrow for dimension scaled as provided. | |
void | disableAxes () |
Disables the axes display. | |
void | axesDisplay () |
Toggles the axes display. | |
void | disableOrient () |
Disables orientation marker. | |
void | orientDisplay () |
Toggles orientation marker. | |
virtual void | background (bool white=false) |
Changes background to white. | |
void | lighting () |
Toggles two sided lighting in display. | |
void | textDisplay () |
Toggles text in display. | |
void | crosshair () |
Toggles corsshair. | |
virtual void | viewToXYPlane () |
Change view to xy-plane. | |
void | viewToAxial () |
virtual void | viewToZXPlane () |
Change view to zx-plane. | |
void | viewToCoronal () |
virtual void | viewToZYPlane () |
Change view to zy-plane. | |
void | viewToSagittal () |
int | getDefaultOrientation () |
Get the orientation mode to one of the supported standards. More... | |
void | setDefaultOrientation (int orientMode) |
Change orientation mode to one of the supported standards. Default: Radiological. More... | |
int | getView () |
Return current view mode identified by number. 0-axial, 1-coronal, 2-sagittal. | |
void | setView (int viewMode) |
Change view to view mode identified by number. 0-axial, 1-coronal, 2-sagittal. More... | |
void | enableActionBasedOnView () |
Enables the view actions corresponding to current view set. | |
void | disableDefaultView () |
Disables the default view whenever data is process or displayed. Enabled by default. More... | |
void | enableDefaultView () |
void | setDefaultView (int viewMode) |
Change default view to view mode identified by number. 0-axial, 1-coronal, 2-sagittal. | |
void | saveView (QString filename="") |
void | saveViewFile () |
void | loadView (QString filename="") |
Saves the camera details to internal variables that can be restore anytime with loadView(). | |
void | loadViewFile () |
virtual void | enableScale (QString title="", const bool quiet=false, double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0, int noOfLabels=3) |
Enable scale bar display with the title provided. More... | |
virtual void | disableScale () |
Disables the scale bar display. | |
virtual void | enableCrosshair () |
Enables the mouse pointer as a crosshair instead. Scene must be rendered before calling. | |
virtual void | disableCrosshair () |
Restores the mouse pointer to default. | |
virtual void | scaleDisplay (const bool forceDisplay=false) |
Toggles the scale bar display. More... | |
virtual void | colourMapToRainbow (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to default VTK which is rainbow. | |
virtual void | colourMapToVTK (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to inverse of default VTK. | |
virtual void | colourMapToGray (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Gray. | |
virtual void | colourMapToSeismic (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Seismic. | |
virtual void | colourMapToLogGray (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Logarithmic (base 10) Gray. | |
virtual void | colourMapToJet (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Jet. | |
virtual void | colourMapToNIH (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to NIH. | |
virtual void | colourMapToNIH_Fire (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to NIH Fire. | |
virtual void | colourMapToAAL (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to AAL. | |
virtual void | colourMapToFS (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to FS (FreeSurfer) | |
virtual void | colourMapToHOT (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to HOT. | |
virtual void | colourMapToCOOL (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to COOL. | |
virtual void | colourMapToCOOLWARM (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to COOL. | |
virtual void | colourMapToKnee (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Knee. | |
virtual void | colourMapToBone (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Bone. | |
virtual void | colourMapToSpectral (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to Spectral. | |
virtual void | colourMapToGNUPlot (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to GNUPlot. | |
virtual void | colourMapToCubeHelix (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to CubeHelix. | |
virtual void | colourMapToHSV (double minRange=0.0, double maxRange=0.0) |
Change the colour map to HSV. | |
virtual void | updateLookupTable () |
Implement this into your derived class to ensure the new colourmap is passed on to your viewing data (image, model etc.) | |
void | generateRender () |
Generate the render so it is ready for display. Should be called before showing the window. More... | |
void | setCustomActionGroup (QActionGroup *actionGrp) |
Set the action group for the menu with custom connections. | |
void | createCustomConnections (QList< QAction *> actionsInMenu) |
void | createCustomConnections (QMenu *fromMenu) |
Create a series of connections on each action in group which will be placed into the context menu. | |
virtual void | customOperation () |
Custom operation, data dependent for viewing in unified environment. By default, this allows importing of actors into the current views. More... | |
virtual void | createMenu (QMenu *menu) |
Create the menu for the data in this object. Used for context menu and file menus. More... | |
bool | openModelUsingQt (const QString filename, vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > &data) |
Opens a model file using Qt file objects, which can be a Wavefront Object file (*.obj) only. This member is intended to be used with the Qt resource system. More... | |
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void | setName (const QString filename) |
Set the name of the data. | |
QString | getName () |
Returns the name of the data. | |
void | rename () |
Renames the data. | |
QString | strippedName () |
Returns the stripped (path removed) name of the data. | |
QString | strippedBaseName () |
Returns the stripped (path removed) base (no suffix) name of the data. | |
void | setNamePrefix (const QString newPrefix) |
Sets the prefix of the name of the data provided. | |
void | addToContextMenu (QAction *act) |
Adds (prepends) the action to the context menu. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
void | appendToContextMenu (QAction *act) |
Adds (appends) the action to the context menu. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
void | addToContextMenu (QMenu *newMenu) |
Adds the menu to the context menu. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
void | addExtensionAction (QAction *act) |
Adds (in extension section) the action as an extension action. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
void | addMenuToContextMenu (QMenu *newMenu) |
Adds (prepends) the menu to the context menu. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
void | appendMenuToContextMenu (QMenu *newMenu) |
Adds (appends) the menu to the context menu. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
virtual void | copyToContextMenu (QMenu *copyMenu) |
Copies the menu, by duplicating the entries, to the context menu. Connections are assumed to be made before hand. | |
void | setVerboseMode (bool verbose) |
Verbose mode for message output. | |
void | setDeletableOnClose (bool delOnClose) |
Set if the window deletable on close. Default is true. | |
bool | isDeletableOnClose () |
Is the window deletable on close? | |
void | setConsole (milxQtConsole *con) |
Set the console for log output. | |
void | consumeVTKEvent (vtkObject *obj, unsigned long, void *client_data, void *, vtkCommand *command) |
Consume the event so that VTK interactor style doesn't get it. Safeguard for if remove observer directives have missed some bindings. | |
void | updateQtEvents () |
Update the Qt events, used to keep UI responsive. | |
Signals | |
void | resultAvailable (milxQtModel *) |
Send signal that Resultant model is available for showing. | |
void | resultAvailable (milxQtRenderWindow *) |
Send signal that Resultant rendering is available for showing. | |
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void | imageToSurface (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >, const float) |
Emit signal to compute image to surface process. | |
void | imageToPolyData (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >) |
Emit signal to compute image to poly data process. | |
void | imageToPseudoImage (vectorImageType::Pointer) |
Emit signal to compute image to pseudo-image process. | |
void | imageToVectorField (vectorImageType::Pointer, floatImageType::Pointer, int, float) |
Emit signal to compute image to vector field process. | |
void | imageToTensorField (vectorImageType::Pointer, floatImageType::Pointer, int, float) |
Emit signal to compute image to tensor field process. | |
void | imageToStreamLines (vectorImageType::Pointer, floatImageType::Pointer) |
Emit signal to compute image streamlines of vector field process. Every pixel in the float image is used to seed the lines. | |
void | imageToVolume (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >, bool) |
Emit signal to show the image as a volume. | |
void | imageToPlot (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData >, int) |
Emit signal to show the image as a plot. | |
void | modified (QPointer< milxQtImage >) |
Emit signal to send updated image data. Used for updating dependent displays. | |
void | coordinateChanged (int, int, int) |
Emit signal with the coordinate user is changed pointing to. | |
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void | imageAvailable (vtkImageData *, QString) |
Send signal that an image is available for showing. | |
void | modelAvailable (vtkPolyData *, QString) |
Send signal that an surface etc. is available for showing. | |
void | tableToPlot (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTable >, QString) |
Emit signal to show the table as a plot. | |
void | modified (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageActor >) |
Emit signal to allow updating of image actors if present. | |
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void | closing (QWidget *win) |
Send signal that the window is closing. | |
void | nameChanged (const QString newName) |
Send signal that the data has been renamed. | |
void | working (int value) |
Send signal that computation is in progress. Value carries the progress,. | |
void | done (int value) |
Send signal that computation is done. Value carries the progress,. | |
Public Member Functions | |
milxQtDiffusionTensorImage (QWidget *theParent=0) | |
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milxQtImage (QWidget *theParent=0, bool contextSystem=true) | |
The standard constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~milxQtImage () |
The standard destructor. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetNameOfClass () const |
ITK interfacing member for exceptions. | |
QString | strippedNamePrefix () |
Returns the stripped (path removed) name of the data with "Image" prefix. | |
void | SetInput (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > newImg) |
VTK interface function: Assigns the image data internally. Same as setData() function. | |
void | SetInput (charImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
ITK interface function: Assigns the image data internally. Same as setData() function. More... | |
void | SetInput (intImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
ITK interface function: Assigns the image data internally. Same as setData() function. More... | |
void | SetInput (rgbImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
ITK interface function: Assigns the image data internally. Same as setData() function. More... | |
void | SetInput (floatImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
ITK interface function: Assigns the image data internally. Same as setData() function. More... | |
void | SetInput (vectorImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
ITK interface function: Assigns the image data internally. Same as setData() function. More... | |
void | SetTransform (vtkSmartPointer< vtkTransform > transform) |
Sets the transform for the image that will be generated. Must pass a vtkTransform objects, which is easy to use. More... | |
void | setData (QPointer< milxQtImage > newImg, const bool forceDeepCopy=false) |
Assigns the milxQtImage data to current image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setData (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > newImg) |
Assigns the VTK array data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setData (charImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Assigns the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setData (intImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Assigns the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setData (rgbImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Assigns the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setData (floatImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Assigns the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setData (vectorImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true, const bool deepCopy=false) |
Assigns the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setData (vnl_matrix< double > &newData) |
Assigns the VNL Matrix to image. You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setData (const unsigned slice, vnl_matrix< double > &newData) |
Assigns the VNL Matrix to a slice of the image. You will need to call generate image after this. Possibly BROKEN. | |
void | setDisplayData (QPointer< milxQtImage > newImg) |
Shares the milxQtImage data to current image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setSharedData (QPointer< milxQtImage > newImg) |
Shares the ITK image data to image (same as setDisplayData()). You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setDisplayData (charImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setSharedData (charImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image (same as setDisplayData()). You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setDisplayData (intImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setSharedData (intImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image (same as setDisplayData()). You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setDisplayData (rgbImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setSharedData (rgbImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image (same as setDisplayData()). You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setDisplayData (floatImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setSharedData (floatImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image (same as setDisplayData()). You will need to call generate image after this. | |
void | setDisplayData (vectorImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image. You will need to call generate image after this. More... | |
void | setSharedData (vectorImageType::Pointer newImg, const bool flipY=true) |
Shares the ITK image data to image (same as setDisplayData()). You will need to call generate image after this. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > | GetOutput () |
Returns the image data object (ImageData) used internally VTK style. | |
charImageType::Pointer | GetCharImage () |
Returns the internal unsigned char image data. | |
intImageType::Pointer | GetIntImage () |
Returns the internal unsigned char image data. | |
rgbImageType::Pointer | GetRGBImage () |
Returns the internal RGB image data. | |
floatImageType::Pointer | GetFloatImage () |
Returns the internal float image data. | |
vectorImageType::Pointer | GetVectorImage () |
Returns the internal vector image data. Unlike the other Get*Image() members, the return value can be NULL. More... | |
vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetOutputPort () |
Returns the image data object (ImageData) producer port used internally VTK style. | |
vtkImageActor * | GetImageActor () |
Returns the internal image actor used for display. | |
void | SetCursor (vtkCursor3D *newCursor) |
vtkCursor3D * | GetCursor () |
void | SetCursorActor (vtkActor *newCursorActor) |
Set the internal cursor actor used for display. | |
vtkProp3D * | GetCursorActor () |
Set the internal cursor used for display. More... | |
int * | GetDisplayExtent () |
Returns the current display extent of the image data, i.e the current slice dimensions/extents. | |
virtual vtkDataSet * | GetDataSet () |
Get the data, return the vtkImageData object downcast to vtkDataSet, useful for getting scalar range etc. | |
virtual vtkRenderWindowInteractor * | GetVTKInteractor () |
Get the interactor associated with the view rendering. | |
void | set8BitImage () |
Sets image as an 8-bit (unsigned char) image. Relevant only for when creating images, otherwise automatically set. | |
bool | is8BitImage () |
Returns true if image is an 8-bit (unsigned char) image. | |
void | set32BitImage () |
Sets image as an 32-bit (int) image. Relevant only for when creating images, otherwise automatically set. | |
bool | is32BitImage () |
Returns true if image is an 32-bit (int) image. | |
void | setRGBImage () |
Sets image as an RGB (3-vector unsigned char image) image. Relevant only for when creating images, otherwise automatically set. | |
bool | isRGBImage () |
Returns true if image is an RGB (3-vector unsigned char image) image. | |
void | setFloatingPointImage () |
Sets image is a floating point (float) image. Relevant only for when creating images, otherwise automatically set. | |
bool | isFloatingPointImage () |
Returns true if image is a floating point (float) image. | |
void | setVectorImage () |
Sets image as a vector image. Relevant only for when creating images, otherwise automatically set. | |
bool | isVectorImage () |
Returns true if image is a vector image. | |
bool | isVTKImage () |
Returns true if image is a VTK-type image. | |
bool | isDisplayFlipped () |
Returns true if image was flipped internally for display purposes only. More... | |
bool | isInterpolated () |
Returns true if image display is interpolated. | |
bool | isOriented () |
Returns true if orientation is applied to the display of the image. | |
bool | isCrosshair () |
Returns true if cursor shown to the display of the image. | |
void | setActualNumberOfDimensions (const size_t dims) |
Sets the actual number of dimensions of the image. More... | |
size_t | getActualNumberOfDimensions () |
void | trackView (milxQtImage *windowToTrack, ViewType viewTo) |
Enables tracking of the view (axial etc.) to imgToTrack provided. More... | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > | butterWorthHighPass (vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > img) |
![]() | |
milxQtRenderWindow (QWidget *theParent=0, bool contextSystem=true) | |
The standard constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~milxQtRenderWindow () |
The standard destructor. | |
void | contextMenuSystem (bool context) |
Disable/enable context menu system, should be on by default otherwise VTK will steal all right click events. More... | |
void | AddActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > actor) |
Add a VTK actor to this window. | |
void | AddVolume (vtkSmartPointer< vtkVolume > actor) |
Add a VTK volume to this window. | |
void | AddActor2D (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > actor) |
Add a VTK actor to this window. | |
void | SetActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > actor) |
Add a VTK actor to this window. Alias for AddActor. | |
void | SetActor2D (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > actor) |
Add a VTK actor to this window. Alias for AddActor2D. | |
void | SetBackground (double red, double green, double blue) |
Set the background of the display window. | |
void | SetSize (int height, int width) |
Set the size of the display window. | |
void | SetLookupTable (vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > lut) |
Set the lookup table of the colours in display window. | |
void | RemoveAllActors () |
Remove all VTK actors from this window. | |
void | RemoveActor (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > actor) |
Remove the VTK actor from this window. | |
void | RemoveActor2D (vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > actor) |
Remove the VTK 2D actor from this window. | |
vtkActorCollection * | GetActors () |
Get all the actors in the render window. | |
vtkVolumeCollection * | GetVolumes () |
Get all the actors in the render window. | |
vtkLookupTable * | GetLookupTable () |
Get the lookup table of the colours in display window. | |
void | SetScalarBar (vtkScalarBarActor *bar) |
Get the scalar bar of the display window. | |
vtkScalarBarActor * | GetScalarBar () |
Get the scalar bar of the display window. | |
void | GetBackground (double &red, double &green, double &blue) |
Get the background of the display window. | |
void | SetRenderer (vtkRenderer *rnder) |
Assigns a VTK Renderer object. | |
vtkRenderer * | GetRenderer () |
Returns the VTK Renderer object. | |
void | OffScreenRenderingOn () |
Enable off-screen rendering, which is faster for large datasets in some instances. | |
void | OffScreenRenderingOff () |
Disable off-screen rendering, which is faster for large datasets in some instances. | |
void | Render () |
Force Render or Update of the display. | |
void | enableUpdates (QStatusBar *bar) |
Enables the update of coordinates to the status bar provided directly. Update is done on mouse movement. | |
![]() | |
milxQtWindow (QWidget *theParent=0) | |
The standard constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~milxQtWindow () |
The standard destructor. | |
Protected Attributes | |
QAction * | diffusionAct |
show diffusion glyphs | |
QAction * | diffusion2Act |
show diffusion glyphs | |
![]() | |
bool | usingVTKImage |
using VTK image data? | |
bool | imported |
Imported before? | |
bool | appendedData |
Appended image data? | |
bool | eightbit |
Using eightbit data? | |
bool | integer |
Using integer data? | |
bool | rgb |
Using RGB data? | |
bool | vectorised |
Using Vector image data? | |
bool | viewerSetup |
has the viewer/window been setup (only done initial so is to not disturb users settings) | |
bool | volume |
is the image a volume? | |
bool | flipped |
Flip for display? | |
bool | track |
track the coordinates during user interaction | |
charImageType::Pointer | imageChar |
Up to date 8-bit greyscale image data. | |
intImageType::Pointer | imageInt |
Up to date 32-bit greyscale image data. | |
rgbImageType::Pointer | imageRGB |
Up to date 32-bit image data (used only internally atm) | |
floatImageType::Pointer | imageFloat |
Up to date floating point image data. | |
vectorImageType::Pointer | imageVector |
Up to date vector image data. | |
size_t | actualNumberOfDimensions |
All images loaded as 3D images or 3D vector images, this shows actual dimension. | |
ViewType | viewToTrack |
In tracking mode, what slice to show. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageViewer3 > | viewer |
VTK Viewer handler, Smart Pointer. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > | imageData |
Points to the current VTK Image Data, Smart Pointer. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageAppend > | imageDataAppended |
Appended Data. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImagePermute > | permute |
Permute axis class, Smart Pointer. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageAccumulate > | hist |
Histogram filter, allocated on histogram() call. | |
QList< ModelActorItem > | modelActors |
Model actors being displayed in image view. | |
itkEventQtObserver::Pointer | observeProgress |
Observer for the Qt event loop. | |
double | meanValue |
Other Variables. More... | |
double | stddevValue |
Std deviation data value currently held. | |
double | minValue |
min value in image | |
double | maxValue |
max value in image | |
QMenu * | operateMenu |
Operate Menu. | |
QAction * | rescaleAct |
Action for contouring image. | |
QAction * | equaliseAct |
Action for contouring image. | |
QAction * | computeContourAct |
Action for contouring image. | |
QAction * | smoothAct |
Action for smoothing of image. | |
QAction * | gaussianAct |
Action for Gaussian smoothing of image. | |
QAction * | bilateralAct |
Action for bilateral smoothing of image. | |
QAction * | medianAct |
Action for median smoothing of image. | |
QAction * | gradMagAct |
Action for gradient magnitude of image. | |
QAction * | sobelAct |
Action for sobel edges of image. | |
QAction * | cannyAct |
Action for canny edges of image. | |
QAction * | laplacianAct |
Action for Laplacian of image. | |
QAction * | highPassAct |
Action for high pass filtering of image. | |
QAction * | normAct |
Action for normalization of image. | |
QAction * | invertAct |
Action for invert intensity of image. | |
QAction * | relabelAct |
Action for relabelling image. | |
QMenu * | transformMenu |
Transform Menu. | |
QAction * | matchAct |
Action for matching info of image to another image. | |
QAction * | matchHistAct |
Action for matching histogram of image. | |
QAction * | resampleSpacingAct |
Action for resampling image based on spacing. | |
QAction * | resampleAct |
Action for resampling image. | |
QAction * | resampleLabelAct |
Action for resampling image. | |
QAction * | subsampleAct |
Action for downsampling image. | |
QAction * | transformAct |
Action for transforming image. | |
QAction * | maskAct |
Action for resampling image. | |
QAction * | cropAct |
Action for auto cropping image. | |
QAction * | checkerAct |
Action for checkerboard of image. | |
QAction * | distMapAct |
Action for distance map of image. | |
QAction * | flipAct |
Action for flipping image. | |
QAction * | surfaceAct |
Action for image to surface. | |
QAction * | polyDataAct |
Action for image to poly data. | |
QMenu * | thresholdMenu |
Threshold Menu. | |
QAction * | otsuAct |
Otsu Threshold. | |
QAction * | otsuMultipleAct |
Otsu Threshold. | |
QAction * | binaryAct |
Binary Threshold. | |
QAction * | bandAct |
Threshold inbetween band. | |
QAction * | aboveAct |
Threshold from above. | |
QAction * | belowAct |
Threshold from below. | |
QMenu * | vectorMenu |
Vector Menu. | |
QAction * | vectorMagnitudeAct |
Action for displaying magnitude of vector images. | |
QAction * | vectorComponentAct |
Action for displaying components of vector images. | |
QAction * | pseudoImageAct |
Action for displaying vector/tensor fields as a pseudo image. | |
QAction * | vectorFieldAct |
Action for displaying vector/tensor fields. | |
QAction * | streamLinesAct |
Action for displaying stream lines. | |
QAction * | levelAct |
Action for auto-levelling gamma for display. | |
QAction * | overlayAct |
Action for overlaying labelled image. | |
QAction * | overlayContourAct |
Action for overlaying labelled image as contour. | |
QAction * | blendAct |
Action for blending images. | |
QAction * | volRenderAct |
Action for volume rendering. | |
QAction * | histogramAct |
Action for displaying histogram. | |
QAction * | surfacePlotAct |
Action for displaying surface plot. | |
QAction * | infoAct |
Action for displaying information about the image. | |
QAction * | interpolateAct |
Interpolate image? | |
QAction * | orientAct |
Orient image? | |
QAction * | resliceAct |
Reslice mode? | |
QAction * | cursorAct |
Show cursor? | |
![]() | |
bool | loaded |
Loaded Image from file? | |
bool | rendered |
Scene as been setup for rendering? (by generateRender()) | |
bool | axesBefore |
Axes displayed? | |
bool | scaleBefore |
scale displayed? | |
bool | customScalarBar |
bool | logScale |
Using custom scalar bar? | |
bool | useDefaultView |
Using log scalar map? More... | |
bool | orientationAxes |
Display orientation (posterior etc.) axes? | |
bool | contextMenuEnabled |
Display orientation (posterior etc.) axes? | |
int | defaultView |
Default view for data (default is axial) | |
int | currentView |
Current view for data. | |
int | orientationView |
view orientation standard | |
QMenu * | windowPropertiesMenu |
Context Menu. | |
QAction * | backgroundAct |
Action for axes of the display. | |
QAction * | axesAct |
Action for axes of the display. | |
QAction * | lightingAct |
Action for two-sided lighting of the display. | |
QAction * | lineAct |
Action for distance measuring display. | |
QAction * | distanceAct |
Action for distance measuring display. | |
QAction * | biDirectionAct |
Action for cross distance measuring display. | |
QAction * | angleAct |
Action for angle measuring display. | |
QAction * | planeAct |
Action for drawing planes. | |
QAction * | boxAct |
Action for box drawing display. | |
QAction * | sphereAct |
Action for sphere annotate display. | |
QAction * | humanAct |
Show human view orientation glyph? | |
QAction * | textAct |
Action for angle measuring display. | |
QAction * | crosshairAct |
Action for crosshair. | |
QMenu * | contourMenu |
Contour Menu. | |
QAction * | contourAct |
Action for contouring surface points using Dijkstras algorithm. | |
QAction * | contourPolyDataAct |
Save contour surface points as polydata. | |
QAction * | contourNodePolyDataAct |
Save contour surface nodes as polydata. | |
QAction * | contourInitAct |
Load contour surface points from polydata. | |
QMenu * | viewMenu |
Context Menu. | |
QActionGroup * | viewGroup |
Grouping for check boxes. | |
QAction * | viewXY |
Change view to xy-plane (Axial) | |
QAction * | viewZY |
Change view to zy-plane (Coronal) | |
QAction * | viewZX |
Change view to zx-plane (Sagittal) | |
QAction * | saveViewAct |
Save camera view. | |
QAction * | loadViewAct |
Load camera view. | |
QAction * | saveViewFileAct |
Save camera view to file. | |
QAction * | loadViewFileAct |
Load camera view to file. | |
QAction * | scaleAct |
Action for the scale bar of the display. | |
QMenu * | colourMapMenu |
Colour map menu. | |
QActionGroup * | mapGroup |
Grouping for check boxes. | |
QAction * | actionDefault |
Default colours. | |
QAction * | actionJet |
Jet colours. | |
QAction * | actionRainbow |
Default colours. | |
QAction * | actionInvRainbow |
Inv Default colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionGray |
Gray colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionSeismic |
Gray2 colours. | |
QAction * | actionLogGray |
Logarithmic Gray colours. | |
QAction * | actionNIH |
NIH colours. | |
QAction * | actionNIH_FIRE |
NIH_FIRE colours. | |
QAction * | actionAAL |
AAL colours. | |
QAction * | actionFS |
FS colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionHOT |
HOT colours. | |
QAction * | actionCOOL |
COOL colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionCOOLWARM |
COOL colours. | |
QAction * | actionKnee |
Knee colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionBone |
Spectral colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionSpectral |
Spectral colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionGNUPlot |
GNUPlot colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionCubeHelix |
Cube Helix colours. | |
LabelledAction * | actionHSV |
Cube Helix colours. | |
QAction * | resetAct |
Action for refreshing the display. | |
QAction * | refreshAct |
Action for refreshing the display. | |
QPoint | dragStartPosition |
Dragging helper variable. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkEventQtSlotConnect > | Connector |
VTK Events to slots convertor. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > | transformMatrix |
Transform matrix for actor(s) | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderer > | renderer |
Renderer for the data. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindow > | renderWindow |
Render Window used if no other set, only for deletion, access through QVTKWidget members. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > | lookupTable |
Lookup table for the shapes/images, base class is used to allow references to different look up table types. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCamera > | camera |
camera for the view | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkScalarBarActor > | scale |
Scale for the display. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkScalarBarWidget > | scalarBar |
Scalar Bar Widget for the display. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxesActor > | axes |
Axes for the model. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxesActor > | orientAxes |
Orientation (posterior etc.) axes for the orientation marker. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPointPicker > | dataPicker |
For determining coordinates and points from the window. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkContourWidget > | contourWidget |
contour interaction | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkLineWidget2 > | lineWidget |
Used for drawing lines. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDistanceWidget > | distanceWidget |
Used for measuring distances. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkBiDimensionalWidget > | biDirectionWidget |
Used for measuring cross distances. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAngleWidget > | angleWidget |
Used for measuring angles. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPlaneWidget > | planeWidget |
Used for drawing planes. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkBoxWidget2 > | boxWidget |
Used for measuring angles. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkSphereRepresentation > | sphereRep |
Sphere for widgets. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkSphereWidget2 > | sphereWidget |
Used for measuring angles. | |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkOrientationMarkerWidget > | humanGlyph |
Glyph for showing equivalent view on human. | |
QList< vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextWidget > > | textWidgets |
Used for displaying movable texts in render window. | |
QList< vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextActor > > | textActors |
text actors for text widgets | |
QList< ImageActorItem > | imageActors |
Images actors being displayed in model view. | |
QStatusBar * | updateBar |
Pointer to bar, not allocated or deleted. To be passed to only. | |
QActionGroup * | windowActionGroup |
used for the custom menu | |
![]() | |
QString | name |
Name of the data. | |
QString | prefix |
Prefix of the data. | |
bool | verboseMode |
Verbose message output mode. | |
bool | deletableOnClose |
Delete on close allowed? Allowed by default. | |
bool | consoleAssigned |
Console assigned for output? | |
QMenu * | contextMenu |
Context Menu. | |
QList< QAction * > | actionsToAdd |
Context actions to add. | |
QList< QAction * > | actionsToAppend |
Context actions to append. | |
QList< QAction * > | extActionsToAdd |
Extension actions to add. | |
QList< QMenu * > | menusToAdd |
Context Menu's to add. | |
QList< QMenu * > | menusToAppend |
Context Menu's to append. | |
milxQtConsole * | console |
Console for log outputs. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | updateData (const bool orient=true) |
Ensures the internal visualisation data is up to date. More... | |
void | setupEvents () |
Executes common events setup and connections code for image viewing. More... | |
void | createActions () |
Create the actions for context menu etc. More... | |
void | createConnections () |
Create the connections for context menu etc. | |
void | contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event) |
The context menu setup member. | |
QMenu * | basicContextMenu () |
Return the basic context menu with the milxQtImage class ordering. This is for the benefit of derived class context menus and/or extensions. More... | |
QMenu * | operationsMenu () |
Return the operations menu with the milxQtImage class ordering. This is for the benefit of derived class context menus and/or extensions. | |
QMenu * | thresholdsMenu () |
Return the thresholds menu with the milxQtImage class ordering. This is for the benefit of derived class context menus and/or extensions. | |
QMenu * | transformsMenu () |
Return the transforms menu with the milxQtImage class ordering. This is for the benefit of derived class context menus and/or extensions. | |
QMenu * | vectorsMenu () |
Return the vector imaging menu with the milxQtImage class ordering. This is for the benefit of derived class context menus and/or extensions. | |
void | dropEvent (QDropEvent *event) |
Part of the Drag and Drop feature members. Opens the dropped files. | |
virtual void | SetupWidgets (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor) |
Update the interactor so that the widgets are usable. Resizing widges for image objects. | |
void | updateViewer (vtkObject *obj, unsigned long, void *client_data, void *, vtkCommand *command) |
Update the viewer image data to reflect changes. | |
QString | getOpenFilename (const QString labelForDialog="Select Image", QString exts="") |
Use the QFileDialog to get an image filename. | |
![]() | |
void | createActions () |
Create the actions for context menu etc. | |
void | createConnections () |
Create the connections for context menu etc. | |
void | contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event) |
The context menu setup member. More... | |
QMenu * | colourMapsMenu () |
Return the colourmaps menu with the milxQtRenderWindow class ordering. This is for the benefit of derived class context menus and/or extensions. | |
void | dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *event) |
Part of the Drag and Drop feature members. Accepts drags. | |
void | dragLeaveEvent (QDragLeaveEvent *event) |
Part of the Drag and Drop feature members. Accepts drags. | |
void | dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *event) |
Part of the Drag and Drop feature members. Tells what drags to accept. | |
void | mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event) |
Part of the Drag and Drop feature members. Triggers the dragging on double click. | |
void | dropEvent (QDropEvent *event) |
Part of the Drag and Drop feature members. Opens the dropped files. | |
void | setupHumanGlyph (vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > mat=NULL) |
Setup the human orientation glyph even if some transform if present between glyph and view. | |
![]() | |
void | createConnections () |
Create the connections for context menu etc. | |
void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *clEvent) |
When closing, execute this member. | |
void | printError (QString msg) |
Error message wrapper for console. | |
void | printWarning (QString msg) |
Warning message wrapper for console. | |
void | printDebug (QString msg) |
Debug message wrapper for console. | |
void | printInfo (QString msg) |
Info message wrapper for console. | |
Definition at line 24 of file milxQtDiffusionTensorImage.h.
slot |
Extract the viewed slice
< assumes float vector image here
assumes float image here
Check mag image if its a 2D slice
Subsample image to reduce computation costs
Create Polydata to hold vector field
Store indices
Setup seed points
Although the following sphere is unused, its info is used to create the total output so don't remove
Definition at line 194 of file milxQtDiffusionTensorImage.cpp.
slot |
Extract the viewed slice
< assumes float vector image here
assumes float image here
Check mag image if its a 2D slice
Subsample image to reduce computation costs
Create Polydata to hold vector field
Setup glyphs per voxel
For every point in sphere mesh
Get the SH itself
Compute spherical harmonic amplitude
use SH to shape sphere points accordingly
Compute color based on direction
use point in input to displace sphere points accordingly
Colour based on each of the gradient values in that direction
Definition at line 355 of file milxQtDiffusionTensorImage.cpp.