SMILX  1.01
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C_installsupportedimagesrecursively< NrOfSupportedImageTypes+1 >
 CComponentLoaderDetermines which components (metrics, transforms, etc.) are available
 CElastixMainA class with all functionality to configure elastix
 CProgressUpdatesObject for intercepting progress events triggered by ITK based filters and converting them to VTK progress events
 CVectorShiftScaleImageFilterApplies a linear transformation to the magnitude of pixel vectors in a VectorImage
 CBadStringConversionException Handler for stringify function. Thrown if the conversion from numeric to string is unsuccessful
 CColourMapRepresents a the various colour maps available for VTK scalars etc. Default: NIH
 CDeformableModelRepresents a deformable model (i.e. a model with cells and scalar values that has special members for interacting with images)
 CFileA general file IO class for reading writing images and models
 CThreadStructThread Struct for running IO classes in threads
 CImageRepresents an image (i.e. an regular rectangular array with scalar values) and their common operations using the Insight Toolkit (ITK)
 CImageBaseBase class for images that contains non-templated features so to allow dynamic template instantiation
 CMathA general math object for computing common operations such a centroids etc
 CModelRepresents a model (i.e. a model with cells and scalar values) and their common operations. Also allows batch operations on collection of models
 CitkEventQtObserverThis class can be attached as an observer to trigger Qt to update the event loop
 CmilxQt_RENAMED_PluginThe interface for the RENAMED plugin for milxQt
 CmilxQtAnimatePluginThis is a plugin for milxQt to do animation from collections
 CmilxQtConsoleA console (tabbed) widget class for displaying information such as logs, terminals and consoles
 CmilxQtDICOMPluginThe interface for the DICOM plugin for milxQt
 CmilxQtDiffusionTensorPluginThe interface for the DTI plugin for milxQt
 CmilxQtFileThis class represents the MILX Qt File I/O object using VTK/ITK/Qt
 CmilxQtFiniteTransformPluginThe interface for the Finite Transform plugin for milxQt
 CmilxQtImageThis class represents the MILX Qt Image Display object using VTK
 CmilxQtMainThis class represents the MILX Qt Main Window object using Qt
 CmilxQtManagerA manager (tabbed) widget class for displaying information about data such as case ID etc
 CmilxQtModelThis class represents the MILX Qt Model/Mesh Display object using VTK
 CmilxQtPlotThe class provides 1D/2D and 3D plotting capability. This includes scatter and surface plots
 CmilxQtPluginInterfaceThe interface for any plugins that can be made for milxQtMain
 CmilxQtPythonConsoleA simple console for python scripting with some syntax highlighting
 CmilxQtPythonSyntaxHighlighterSyntax highlighting for Python to be applied to the console (such as milxQtPythonConsole)
 CmilxQtRegistrationContain all the informations and functions required to register an image
 CmilxQtRegistrationAdvancedOptionsThis class is the advanced options form for the registration
 CmilxQtRegistrationAlgosAlgorithms calls
 CmilxQtRegistrationPluginThe interface for the Registration plugin for milxQt
 CmilxQtRegistrationWindowThis class is the registration window/form
 CmilxQtRenderWindowThis class represents the MILX Qt Render Window Display object using QVTK
 CmilxQtSimilaritiesContain all the values of similarity measurement
 CmilxQtSSMPluginThe Statistical Shape Model (SSM) plugin for milxQt
 CmilxQtUnifiedWindowThe class maintains a state and render of multiple display objects (such as a milxQtModel or milxQtImage) in a unifying fashion
 CmilxQtWindowThis class represents the MILX Qt Window Display object using QVTK
 CmilxRegistrationLibrary of Registration algorithms used in milx-view
 CvtkErrorWarningObject for intercepting errors thrown by VTK based readers
 CvtkProgressUpdatesObject for intercepting progress events triggered by VTK based filters