sMILX Help

DICOM Plugin

This page outlines the DICOM plugin. The DICOM plugin has been integrated as a part of the SMILI software developed by Shakes (Simple Medical Imaging Library Interface) which we mainly use for visualisation and processing of images and surfaces.


The anonymization feature contains the following options:

  1. Anonymize a set of dicom series for several subjects
  2. Selection of information that will be removed from the dicoms:
  3. Selection of the dicom informations to use to build the dicom anonymized filename
  4. Selection of an anonymization prefix for the subjects (eg. COM_ / ACL_ / MEN_)
  5. Selection of a starting ID for anonymization (integer number incremented for each subject, eg. 101, for COM_101, COM_102, etc.)
  6. Possibility to preserve sub-folder architecture for each subject
  7. The program will write the mapping of the subject anonymized name and real name into a file

To start anonymizing dicoms, click on the top menu: <DICOM>/<Anonymize...> and the wizard detailed will appear to guide you through the process.

DICOM stripping

If selected in the wizard, the following dicom tags will be stripped from the dicoms:

Patient Info
  • 0010 0010 PN 1 Patient's Name
  • 0010 0020 LO 1 Patient ID
  • 0010 1005 PN 1 Patient's Birth Name
  • 0010 1040 LO 1 Patient's Address
  • 0010 2154 SH 1-n Patient's Telephone Numbers
Physician Info
  • 0008 0090 PN 1 Referring Physician's Name
  • 0008 0092 ST 1 Referring Physician's Address
  • 0008 0094 SH 1-n Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers
  • 0008 1048 PN 1-n Physician(s) of Record
  • 0008 1050 PN 1-n Performing Physician's Name
  • 0008 1060 PN 1-n Name of Physician(s) Reading Study
  • 0032 1032 PN 1 Requesting Physician
  • 0040 0006 PN 1 Scheduled Performing Physician's Name
  • 4008 0114 PN 1 Physician Approving Interpretation
Operator Info
  • 0008 1070 PN 1-n Operator's Name