30 #include <QApplication> 32 #include "milxQtModel.h" 33 #include "milxQtImage.h" 34 #include "milxQtFile.h" 37 #include <vtkWindowToImageFilter.h> 39 #include <tclap/CmdLine.h> 41 using namespace TCLAP;
43 int main(
int argc,
char* argv[])
45 QApplication app(argc,argv);
46 QMainWindow mainWindow;
50 milx::PrintInfo(
54 milx::PrintInfo(
"Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO, Australia.");
58 milx::PrintInfo(
65 ValueArg<std::string> outputArg(
"Output Screenshot name",
66 ValueArg<std::string> imageArg(
"Load and generate image slices as planes (axial, coronal & saggital)",
67 ValueArg<std::string> vectorsArg(
"Generate and display vector field from model. If no vectors are present then scalars and normals will be used",
68 ValueArg<std::string> maskArg(
"Clip the main mesh based on binary scalar values in model",
"Scalar Mask");
69 ValueArg<std::string> setScalarsArg(
"Set active scalars of model as array name given",
"Set Scalars");
70 ValueArg<std::string> labelArg(
"Overlay binary image/label on the image",
71 ValueArg<std::string> transformArg(
"Transform (ITK Format) to apply to objects being rendered",
72 ValueArg<std::string> isoArg(
"Generate Iso-surface (surface from label image) from the image",
73 ValueArg<std::string> loadScalarsArg(
"Load scalars for the mesh from another mesh",
74 ValueArg<std::string> loadViewFileArg(
"Load saved view from file (use onscreen mode to save view files)",
"Load View File");
75 ValueArg<std::string> scalarBarArg(
"Enable the scalar bar for display with given name.",
"Scalar Bar");
76 ValueArg<float> opacityArg(
"Set the opacity of the models",
false, 0.5,
77 ValueArg<float> isoValueArg(
"Set the label or iso-surface value for option --isosurface.",
false, 0.5,
78 ValueArg<float> minArg(
"Set the minimum value for scalars on model.",
false, 0.0,
"Minimum Scalar");
79 ValueArg<float> maxArg(
"Set the maximum value for scalars on model.",
false, 1.0,
"Maximum Scalar");
80 ValueArg<float> redArg(
"Set the redness value (0-1) for the background.",
false, 1.0,
"Red Component");
81 ValueArg<float> greenArg(
"Set the greenness value (0-1) for the background.",
false, 1.0,
"Green Component");
82 ValueArg<float> blueArg(
"Set the blueness value (0-1) for the background.",
false, 1.0,
"Blue Component");
83 ValueArg<float> zoomArg(
"Zoom in on the current view by given factor.",
false, 2.0,
84 ValueArg<int> heightArg(
"Set the height of the window.",
false, 600,
85 ValueArg<int> widthArg(
"Set the width of the window.",
false, 800,
86 ValueArg<int> axialSliceArg(
"Set the axial slice of the image.",
false, 0,
"Axial Slice");
87 ValueArg<int> coronalSliceArg(
"Set the coronal slice of the image.",
false, 0,
"Coronal Slice");
88 ValueArg<int> saggitalSliceArg(
"Set the saggital slice of the image.",
false, 0,
"Saggital Slice");
90 SwitchArg jetArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to the Jet map",
91 SwitchArg vtkArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to blue-red (rainbow VTK) map",
92 SwitchArg hsvArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to blue-red (rainbow HSV) map",
93 SwitchArg rainbowArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to the rainbow map",
94 SwitchArg spectralArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to the spectral map",
95 SwitchArg nihArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to NIH",
96 SwitchArg fireArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to NIH Fire",
97 SwitchArg aalArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to AAL",
98 SwitchArg fsArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to FreeSurfer",
99 SwitchArg hotArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to HOT",
100 SwitchArg coolArg(
"Change colourmap of the scalars to COOL",
101 SwitchArg loadViewArg(
"Load saved view (use smilx or onscreen render mode to view and save with Right Click->View->Save View",
102 SwitchArg onscreenArg(
"Enable on screen rendering, i.e. display the rendering as an interactive window.",
103 SwitchArg whiteArg(
"Make background white rather than default gradient colour.",
104 SwitchArg inverseArg(
"Use the inverse transform when transform file is provided.",
105 SwitchArg noaxialArg(
"Do not show axial slice when image is given.",
106 SwitchArg nocoronalArg(
"Do not show coronal slice when image is given.",
107 SwitchArg nosaggitalArg(
"Do not show saggital slice when image is given.",
108 SwitchArg axialArg(
"Show axial view based on position of first surface.",
109 SwitchArg coronalArg(
"Show coronal view based on position of first surface.",
110 SwitchArg saggitalArg(
"Show saggital view based on position of first surface.",
111 SwitchArg removeScalarsArg(
"Remove the scalars of the models.",
112 SwitchArg clampScalarsArg(
"Clamp the scalars of the models to background colour (outside colourmap) from min/max values provided.",
113 SwitchArg clampScalarsBelowArg(
"Clamp the scalars of the models to background colour (outside colourmap) below min values provided.",
114 SwitchArg outlineArg(
"Display outline box for the model. Model outline overided by image if present.",
115 SwitchArg slicesArg(
"Prevent any slices from being shown. Other elements from image option etc. will still be displayed.",
116 SwitchArg autoColourArg(
"Colour each additional model automatically based on order.",
117 SwitchArg wireframeArg(
"Display initial surface as a wireframe model.",
118 SwitchArg wireframesArg(
"Display all surfaces as a wireframe models.",
119 SwitchArg humanArg(
"Disable human orientation glyph.",
120 SwitchArg specularArg(
"Disable specular lighting for the rendered view.",
123 UnlabeledMultiArg<std::string> multinames(
"Surfaces to overlay",
126 std::vector<Arg*> xorlist;
127 xorlist.push_back(&axialArg);
128 xorlist.push_back(&coronalArg);
129 xorlist.push_back(&saggitalArg);
133 cmd.add( multinames );
134 cmd.add( outputArg );
136 cmd.add( vectorsArg );
138 #ifdef ITK_REVIEW //Review only members 141 cmd.add( transformArg );
149 cmd.add( opacityArg );
150 cmd.add( isoValueArg );
151 cmd.add( loadScalarsArg );
152 cmd.add( setScalarsArg );
153 cmd.add( heightArg );
155 cmd.add( axialSliceArg );
156 cmd.add( coronalSliceArg );
157 cmd.add( saggitalSliceArg );
162 cmd.add( rainbowArg );
163 cmd.add( spectralArg );
170 cmd.add( loadViewArg );
171 cmd.add( loadViewFileArg );
172 cmd.add( scalarBarArg );
173 cmd.add( onscreenArg );
175 cmd.add( inverseArg );
176 cmd.add( noaxialArg );
177 cmd.add( nocoronalArg );
178 cmd.add( nosaggitalArg );
179 cmd.add( removeScalarsArg );
180 cmd.add( clampScalarsArg );
181 cmd.add( clampScalarsBelowArg );
182 cmd.add( outlineArg );
183 cmd.add( slicesArg );
184 cmd.add( autoColourArg );
185 cmd.add( wireframeArg );
186 cmd.add( wireframesArg );
188 cmd.add( specularArg );
191 cmd.parse( argc, argv );
195 std::vector<std::string> filenames = multinames.getValue();
196 const std::string screenName = outputArg.getValue();
197 const std::string imageName = imageArg.getValue();
198 const std::string vectorsName = vectorsArg.getValue();
199 const std::string scalarMaskName = maskArg.getValue();
200 const std::string labelName = labelArg.getValue();
201 const std::string transformName = transformArg.getValue();
202 const std::string isoName = isoArg.getValue();
203 const std::string loadScalarsName = loadScalarsArg.getValue();
204 const std::string loadViewName = loadViewFileArg.getValue();
205 const std::string arrayName = setScalarsArg.getValue();
206 const std::string barName = scalarBarArg.getValue();
207 const float opacity = opacityArg.getValue();
208 const float isoValue = isoValueArg.getValue();
209 const float minValue = minArg.getValue();
210 const float maxValue = maxArg.getValue();
211 const float redValue = redArg.getValue();
212 const float greenValue = greenArg.getValue();
213 const float blueValue = blueArg.getValue();
214 const float zoomFactor = zoomArg.getValue();
215 const int windowHeight = heightArg.getValue();
216 const int windowWidth = widthArg.getValue();
217 const int axialSliceNumber = axialSliceArg.getValue();
218 const int coronalSliceNumber = coronalSliceArg.getValue();
219 const int saggitalSliceNumber = saggitalSliceArg.getValue();
224 if(inverseArg.isSet())
226 if(!transformArg.isSet())
228 cerr <<
"Error in arguments! Inverse argument needs to be used with the transform argument." << endl;
232 if(noaxialArg.isSet() || nosaggitalArg.isSet() || nocoronalArg.isSet() || axialSliceArg.isSet() || coronalSliceArg.isSet() || saggitalSliceArg.isSet())
234 if(!imageArg.isSet())
236 cerr <<
"Error in arguments! View/Slice arguments need to be used with the image argument." << endl;
240 if(isoValueArg.isSet())
244 cerr <<
"Error in arguments! Isovalue argument needs to be used with the isosurface argument." << endl;
251 QScopedPointer<milxQtFile> reader(
new milxQtFile);
252 bool errorReading =
253 bool success =
256 cout <<
">> Overlay: Reading Models" << endl;
257 vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataCollection> collection;
261 cerr <<
"Error reading models!" << endl;
266 vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
267 transform->Identity();
268 transform->PostMultiply();
269 if(transformArg.isSet())
272 transform->Concatenate(matrix);
273 if(inverseArg.isSet())
274 transform->Inverse();
278 QList< QSharedPointer<milxQtModel> > models;
279 QSharedPointer<milxQtModel> model;
280 const size_t n = collection->GetNumberOfItems();
284 cerr <<
"At least one model must be provided!" << endl;
288 vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable> lookupTable = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable>::New();
289 if(autoColourArg.isSet())
291 lookupTable->SetTableRange(0.0, n+1);
292 lookupTable->Build();
296 collection->InitTraversal();
297 for(
size_t j = 0; j < n; j ++)
302 mdl->setName(filenames[j].c_str());
303 mdl->SetInput(collection->GetNextItem());
305 if(removeScalarsArg.isSet() && mdl->GetScalars())
306 mdl->RemoveScalars();
307 if(loadScalarsArg.isSet())
308 mdl->loadScalars(loadScalarsName.c_str());
310 mdl->generateModel();
313 if(autoColourArg.isSet() && j > 0)
316 lookupTable->GetColor(j, colour);
317 mdl->changeColour(colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]);
319 if(setScalarsArg.isSet())
320 mdl->showArray(arrayName.c_str());
323 if(mdl->GetScalars())
325 mdl->GetScalarRange(range);
326 if(clampScalarsBelowArg.isSet())
327 mdl->thresholdScalars(minValue, range[1], vtkMath::Nan());
328 if(clampScalarsArg.isSet())
329 mdl->thresholdScalars(minValue, maxValue, vtkMath::Nan());
336 if( opacityArg.isSet() && (!autoColourArg.isSet() || j == 0) )
337 mdl->SetOpacity(opacity);
338 if(wireframesArg.isSet())
339 mdl->generateWireframe();
344 mainWindow.setCentralWidget(model.data());
345 std::cerr <<
"Done" << std::endl;
348 QScopedPointer<milxQtModel> modelVectors(
new milxQtModel);
349 if(vectorsArg.isSet())
351 success = reader->openModel(vectorsName.c_str(), modelVectors.data());
354 cout <<
">> Applying Vectors" << endl;
355 modelVectors->setName(vectorsName.c_str());
356 modelVectors->generateModel();
357 modelVectors->generateVectorField();
365 QScopedPointer<milxQtModel> modelMask(
new milxQtModel);
368 success = reader->openModel(scalarMaskName.c_str(), modelMask.data());
371 cout <<
">> Overlay: Applying Mask" << endl;
372 modelMask->setName(scalarMaskName.c_str());
373 modelMask->generateModel();
376 modelMask->GetScalars()->SetName(
377 model->GetScalars()->SetName(
378 model->GetOutput()->GetPointData()->AddArray(modelMask->GetScalars());
379 model->showArray(
380 model->threshold(1.0, 1.0);
381 model->showArray(
384 model->resetScalarRange();
386 if(model->GetNumberOfPoints() == 0)
388 cerr <<
"Error using scalar mask. Model no longer has any points!" << endl;
396 QScopedPointer<milxQtModel> modelIso(
new milxQtModel);
397 QScopedPointer<milxQtImage> imgIso(
new milxQtImage);
400 cout <<
">> Overlay: Applying Isosurface" << endl;
401 success = reader->openImage(isoName.c_str(), imgIso.data());
402 imgIso->setName(isoName.c_str());
403 imgIso->generateImage();
404 imgIso->threshold(0, isoValue-1.0, isoValue);
410 modelIso->generateIsoSurface(imgIso->GetOutput(), 0, isoValue-1.0);
411 modelIso->generateModel();
412 modelIso->changeColour(0,1,0);
419 cerr <<
"Error Reading one or more of the input files. Exiting." << endl;
425 QScopedPointer<milxQtImage> imgCoronal(
new milxQtImage);
426 QScopedPointer<milxQtImage> imgSagittal(
new milxQtImage);
427 vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> orientTransform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4>::New();
430 vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform2 = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
431 transform2->Identity();
432 transform2->PostMultiply();
435 cout <<
">> Overlay: Reading Image" << endl;
436 errorReading =
437 success = reader->openImage(imageName.c_str(), img.data());
444 img->setName(imageName.c_str());
445 img->generateImage();
446 if(axialSliceArg.isSet())
447 img->setSlice(axialSliceNumber);
455 #ifdef ITK_REVIEW //Review only members 458 img->overlayContour(labelName.c_str());
465 imgCoronal->setDisplayData(img.data());
466 imgSagittal->setDisplayData(img.data());
471 if(!nocoronalArg.isSet())
473 imgCoronal->setName(imageName.c_str());
474 imgCoronal->generateImage();
475 imgCoronal->viewToCoronal();
476 if(coronalSliceArg.isSet())
477 imgCoronal->setSlice(coronalSliceNumber);
481 if(!nosaggitalArg.isSet())
483 imgSagittal->setName(imageName.c_str());
484 imgSagittal->generateImage();
485 imgSagittal->viewToSagittal();
486 if(saggitalSliceArg.isSet())
487 imgSagittal->setSlice(saggitalSliceNumber);
495 cerr <<
"Error Reading the image file. Exiting." << endl;
501 orientTransform->DeepCopy(img->getTransformMatrix());
502 orientTransform->Invert();
503 transform2->Concatenate(orientTransform);
505 cout <<
">> Overlay: Transforming Actors" << endl;
509 model->setWindowTitle(
510 model->SetSize(windowHeight, windowWidth);
511 mainWindow.resize(windowWidth, windowHeight);
513 foreach(QSharedPointer<milxQtModel> mdl, models)
515 model->addModelActor(mdl->GetActor());
518 if(imageArg.isSet() && !slicesArg.isSet())
520 if(!noaxialArg.isSet())
521 model->addImageActor(img->GetImageActor(), transform2->GetMatrix());
522 if(!nocoronalArg.isSet())
523 model->addImageActor(imgCoronal->GetImageActor(), transform2->GetMatrix());
524 if(!nosaggitalArg.isSet())
525 model->addImageActor(imgSagittal->GetImageActor(), transform2->GetMatrix());
529 QObject::connect(img.data(), SIGNAL(modified(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor> )), model.data(), SLOT(updateImageActor(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor>)));
530 QObject::connect(imgCoronal.data(), SIGNAL(modified(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor> )), model.data(), SLOT(updateImageActor(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor>)));
531 QObject::connect(imgSagittal.data(), SIGNAL(modified(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor> )), model.data(), SLOT(updateImageActor(vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageActor>)));
535 cout <<
">>> Overlay: Setting Colourmap" << endl;
537 model->colourMapToJet();
539 model->colourMapToVTK();
541 model->colourMapToHSV();
542 if(rainbowArg.isSet())
543 model->colourMapToRainbow();
544 if(spectralArg.isSet())
545 model->colourMapToSpectral();
547 model->colourMapToNIH();
549 model->colourMapToNIH_Fire();
551 model->colourMapToAAL();
553 model->colourMapToFS();
555 model->colourMapToHOT();
557 model->colourMapToCOOL();
558 if(minArg.isSet() || maxArg.isSet())
559 model->SetScalarRange(range);
560 if(scalarBarArg.isSet())
562 if(minArg.isSet() || maxArg.isSet())
563 model->enableScale(barName.c_str(),
true, range[0], range[1]);
565 model->enableScale(barName.c_str(),
568 if(vectorsArg.isSet())
569 model->AddActor(modelVectors->GetActor());
574 model->AddActor(modelIso->GetActor());
577 model->background(
578 if(outlineArg.isSet())
581 model->enableOutline(img->GetOutput());
583 model->enableOutline();
587 double backgroundColours[3];
588 model->GetBackground(backgroundColours[0], backgroundColours[1], backgroundColours[2]);
590 model->disableOrient();
592 backgroundColours[0] = redValue;
594 backgroundColours[1] = greenValue;
596 backgroundColours[2] = blueValue;
597 if(redArg.isSet() || blueArg.isSet() || greenArg.isSet())
598 model->SetBackground(backgroundColours[0], backgroundColours[1], backgroundColours[2]);
601 if(wireframeArg.isSet())
602 model->generateWireframe();
603 if(transformArg.isSet())
604 model->SetTransform(transform);
606 model->viewToAxial();
607 if(coronalArg.isSet())
608 model->viewToCoronal();
609 if(saggitalArg.isSet())
610 model->viewToSagittal();
611 if(loadViewArg.isSet())
613 if(loadViewFileArg.isSet())
614 model->loadView(loadViewName.c_str());
615 if(specularArg.isSet())
616 model->disableSpecularDisplay();
620 vtkCamera *camera = model->GetRenderer()->GetActiveCamera();
621 camera->Zoom(zoomFactor);
624 cout <<
">> Overlay: Rendering" << endl;
625 if(!onscreenArg.isSet())
626 model->OffScreenRenderingOn();
631 model->GetRenderWindow()->Render();
632 qApp->processEvents();
635 vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowToImageFilter> windowToImage = vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowToImageFilter>::New();
636 windowToImage->SetInput(model->GetRenderWindow());
637 windowToImage->Update();
639 QScopedPointer<milxQtFile> writer(
new milxQtFile);
640 model->GetRenderWindow()->Render();
641 writer->saveImage(screenName.c_str(), windowToImage->GetOutput());
642 cout <<
">> Complete" << endl;
644 model->OffScreenRenderingOff();
645 if(!onscreenArg.isSet())
This class represents the MILX Qt Image Display object using VTK.
This class represents the MILX Qt File I/O object using VTK/ITK/Qt.
This program Animates image slices and animates surfaces in the model view for creating movies...
static bool OpenModelCollection(std::vector< std::string > filenames, vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataCollection > &collection)
Opens model files, which can be a VTK XML, Legacy VTK PolyData File (i.e. either a *...
static vtkMatrix4x4 * OpenITKTransform(std::string filename)
Opens an ITK transform file and converts it to a VTK transform matrix.
This class represents the MILX Qt Model/Mesh Display object using VTK.
void PrintInfo(const std::string msg)
Displays a generic msg to standard output with carriage return.
std::string NumberToString(double num, unsigned zeroPad=0)
Number to string converter.